For the first time in our regular series of Meet Our Answer Cancer Champions we are featuring an Organisational Champion, charity Rochdale Gateway!
Rochdale Gateway centre has been an operational charitable organisation for over 25 years. Over the years they have expanded to managing five different sites, providing respite provision, and 5 day services. It ensures service user are able to lead a wholesome lifestyle, in the way of actively accessing all integrated leisure, education, employment and living opportunities in the community.
Answer Cancer has supported Pauline Duffy at the Rochdale centre to raise awareness around bowel cancer screening. After a successful awareness session around Bowel Cancer service users went on to create a leaflet with various service users about the signs and symptoms and why it is important to attend your screening.
Q. Who is someone you admire, and why?
A. My mum, because she looks after me, loves me and keeps me safe. My grandma, because I feel like she has inspired me because of her past life and childhood. She is a very independent woman.
Q. Tell me three pet peeves.
A. Being disrespected, Bossy people, too much noise.
Q. What’s a typical day like for you?
A. Going to day service, taking part in activities, eating nice food, seeing friends in day service.
Q. Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
A. I go on YouTube to do exercise. I made my own TikTok clip.
Q. If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? (Don’t overthink it!)
A. On Holiday, having a beauty treatment.
Q. Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A. Dancer, nurse, gymnast
Q. If we went to happy hour, what would you order?
A. Spritzer or a coke.
Q. Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me…
A. Asleep in bed.
Q. How do you want people to remember you?
A. Being cheeky, kind and caring, a lovely person.
Q. What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
A. Organisation skills good timekeeping, being focused.
Q. Name three words that you describe you.
A. Cheeky, funny, bossy
Q. How do you think your colleagues would describe you?
A. Chatty, nice person, good sense of humour.
Q. What do you want to make sure you do before you die?
A. Go traveling, have a mansion, get married.
Q. What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?
A. Lose weight, visit the queen, go bowling.
Q. Name a few of your daily habits (other than a shower and brushing your teeth).
A. Have a cup of tea, watch TV, play on my phone, listen to music.
Q. What publications do you regularly read?
A. Facebook, emails, magazines
Q. What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
A. Walking, exercising, socialising.
Q. What are some causes you care about?
A. Saving the planet ( recycling, reducing eating meat), homelessness, Save the Children.
Q. What do you do with friends in your spare time?
A. Shopping at the Trafford centre, eating out, going to the cinema.
Q. What would be your personal motto?
A. Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to yourself! I’m the boss! Everything happens for a reason!
Remember, Answer Cancer Champions come from all types of backgrounds and communities! To join, visit here.