In 2021, the Stop TB Partnership sounds the alarm on one of the world’s leading infectious killers. Tuberculosis (TB) kills around 4,000 people every day, among them 700 children. That means that 3 people die from TB every minute! In 2018, at the United Nations, all world leaders committed to taking specific actions by 2022. They have until December 2022 to make good on those promises, or they risk compromising the Sustainable Development Goal’s achievement to end TB by 2030.

We might like TB to be consigned to the history books, but the truth is that 1 in 4 people in the world has latent TB infection. Every year, 10 million people fall ill with TB disease, mostly in less developed countries.

Given the understandable focus on COVID-19, it’s important to remind people about TB and it’s symptoms. The two conditions share many similarities with both affecting the lungs and causing a persistent cough. If you have any symptoms that last three weeks or longer, get them checked by a doctor.

To find out more about TB and covid-19, and to download a range of TB resources, visit:
