We do this by

  1. 01 Distributing grants to help groups run activities and increasing their knowledge and skills
  2. 02 Delivering cancer screening awareness sessions to those communities who are less likely to take up screening based on research and local evidence
  3. 03 Building a social movement of Cancer Champions, producing newsletters, holding networking events and sharing success stories
  4. 04 Providing training which helps individuals, group or organisations to share messages about cancer within their community.
  5. 05 Ensure Stakeholder Engagement by holding regular meetings, events and distributing ebulletins and other communications
  6. 06 Asking employers to pledge to allow their staff time off or flexible working to attend cancer screening under the Bee Seen, Get Screened campaign.

This initiative is a partnership of four VCSE organisations with over 100 years’ experience of supporting people across Greater Manchester:

  • Salford CVS (on behalf of 10GM, a joint venture to support the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester);
  • Voluntary Sector North West;
  • BHA for Equality in Health and Social Care;
  • Unique Improvements social enterprise.

You can read more about the successful delivery of our project in the following document:

