October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and at Answer Cancer we want everyone to Be Breast Aware, whoever you are! Here some simple things that you can do.
Know the Symptoms and Touch Look Check
Make sure you know the signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer and check yourself regularly. This particularly applies to women, but also some Trans & Non-binary people. It’s also worth remembering that, although rare, men can get breast cancer too!
Everyone should “Touch, Look, Check” their breasts to keep an eye out for changes or anything unusual. If you do spot something, don’t delay, go and see your GP and get checked out! It could save your life.
Take Part in Breast Screening
If you are a woman aged 50-70 you will be invited to take part Breast Screening every three years. Trans & Non-binary people may also be eligible for screening. We urge everyone to attend when invited.
However, if you have missed an appointment, get it booked in as soon as possible! If you live within Greater Manchester, to book your appointment call 0161 291 4444.
Keep the Conversation Going
Even if you haven’t affected by breast cancer yourself, the chances are you know someone who is, as current estimates are that 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. This could easily be your friend, family member or work colleague.
That’s why it’s so important that we keep having conversations about breast cancer and the importance of screening; share information where possible for example via social media or via WhatsApp; and get involved in activities in our local community. You can also sign up as an Answer Cancer Champion and join our movement against cancer!
- To help you share the word during Breast Cancer Awareness Month we have prepared some resources for you to use on social media or WhatsApp.
- You can also find quizzes, games and ideas in our Breast Cancer Screening Toolkit.
- There is an online Breast Screening Quiz you can complete or send to your friends & family.
- Finally, we are running a special Breast Screening training session on 27th October.
We look forward to hearing what you have been doing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month so please let us know!
Be Breast Aware and help save lives!