Answer Cancer have partnered with charity AskDoc to produce videos discussing Bowel Screening in fourteen community languages commonly spoken across Greater Manchester.
These videos provide crucial information on the NHS Bowel Screening programme, such as who is eligible, how it takes place and why it is so important to take part. By providing these messages in community languages, this will help people whose first language isn’t English to be fully informed about Bowel Screening. This will help to increase screening participation rates amongst these communities, which is currently lower than the average across Greater Manchester.
AskDoc is a Greater Manchester voluntary sector organisation, which aims to engage, educate & empower the local BAME community. They achieve this by producing health information videos spoken by GPs in community languages, thereby giving people confidence that the material is accurate and trustworthy. These cover a range of topics, with a recent focus on Covid-19 and vaccinations, thereby helping to dispel some of the myths and misinformation that can spread. For more information, visit their YouTube channel here.